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Bees Bees Bees

Today is the last day in January in Ohio. Beekeepers are busy planning for the Spring. Deciding how many packages to order and what kinds (Italian or Russian). Italians always seem to be sweeter but Russians are more durable, or so the bee stories go. People keep asking me where we get our bees, and when. The place we get them from takes orders and starts delivering late March into April. We get ours the first week of April as we live in Northwest Ohio and the springs here vary so much.

Woodenware orders are also being placed. Sugar is bought, so syrup is ready to be made if the bees need fed. A beekeeper is always busy thinking about keeping the bees. In Ohio, we won’t be able to even check the hives until late March, if it gets warm enough to open them. So for now, we just hope they are safe, and keeping the queen cluster warm. My husband, the Bee Man, is anxious for Spring. ME TOO!!

Gifts for the Bee Man in Your Life

This is a great calendar by a Cleveland area group that beekeepers can use.

Essentially these months (January, February, March) are a lot of prep months, reading months. Then the fun begins!

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